
Answers to Questions About the Registry
Our new system has an integrated support platform. Find answers to common questions below, or access the full help platform here.
Access Support PlatformM-RETS is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that owns and operates the M-RETS tracking platform, a premier system for tracking a wide array of Environmental Attribute Certificates (EACs).
Committed to delivering exceptional value, M-RETS provides a superior product at the most competitive price. The organization prides itself on a dedicated team of developers and support staff focused on translating user needs into effective software solutions.
M-RETS is an easy to use, web-based system that creates, verifies, manages and enables trading for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The system provides a full suite of capabilities to create unique certificates, track serial numbers, track certificates in company accounts, enable transfers and transactions, track certificate retirement, and enable compliance reporting with a full audit trail.
M-RETS creates a renewable energy certificate for every MWh of renewable energy produced in the region, tracks the life cycle of each renewable certificate created, and ensures against any double-counting or double-use of each certificate. To learn more see Why Use M-RETS.
See the Registration page.
The best way is to reach out to the Executive Director or contact the respective State Agencies and/or commissions in each participating State/Province and review their eligibility requirements. Information on each State/Provincial programs and their respective contacts can be found under the Useful Links page.
M-RETS now accepts Imports from the following registries:
- Michigan Renewable Energy Certification System (MIRECS)
- North American Renewable Registry (NAR)
- North Carolina Renewable Energy Tracking System (NC-RETS)
- M-RETS supports a policy that allows imports/exports between all tracking systems. If you do not see a tracking system you would like to import/export to, please let us know and we will try to work with you and the other tracking system to establish a process.
- When an import is processed from one of the compatible tracking systems listed above, the Import can be reviewed and accepted from the Account Holder’s Transaction History along with all certificate transfers.
- Once an Import is Accepted, the RECs will be displayed in the user’s selective Active Account.
M-RETS permits RECs to be exported to MIRECS, NAR and NC-RETS. View a full list of tracking systems that facilitate inter-registry transfers. The procedure to export RECs is available in Section 4.6.5 of the M-RETS Operating Procedures. If you have questions about exporting RECs from your account, please contact the M-RETS Administrator at: [email protected]
Yes, M-RETS certificates are tradable between M-RETS account holders, but they must be retired to demonstrate compliance with a state renewable portfolio standard (RPS) or to meet various certification standards for voluntary renewable purchases, such as Green-e™.
M-RETS plays a pivotal role in tracking environmental attributes for renewable energy and renewable thermal markets throughout North America.
For electricity markets, renewable and carbon-free energy generators located in North America can use M-RETS so long as there are no statutory requirements to use another tracking system. Any generator tracked in another tracking system is prohibited from submitting a duplicate registration in M-RETS.
For renewable thermal markets, all thermal generation is reported to M-RETS by an Independent Reporting Entity or the generator owner. Every dekatherm (Dth) reported to M-RETS is verified by the System Administrators using official pipeline injection statements or approved meter readings.
Tracking places a dollar value on environmental benefits through the trading of Environmental Attribute Certificates (EACs) as a commodity, allowing renewable and carbon-free generators to access greater revenue or premiums for creating a “green” product. A tracking system provides valuable, third-party verification and streamlines compliance.